"This is Basmallah Calligraphy from Indonesian "
According to Ibnu Araby in the Tafsir Book of Tasawufnya, “Tafsirul Qur’anil Karim” stressed, that with (mentioned) Allah's Asthma, meant Asthma Allah Ta’ala was projected that showed his expertise, that was on the characteristics and Dzat Allah Ta’ala. Whereas the shape of the Asthma was personally showing his direction, while the Asthma reality showed .Allah personally was the Name for Dzat (Is you Dzat) the Deity. From the aspect of Kemutlakan Nama personally. Not from the connotation or the understanding penyifatan for Sifatnya, so also not for the understanding “not made penyifatan”. “Ar- Rahman” was the predicate that overflowed towards the shape and the completeness universally. According to the relevance of wisdom. And relevant with acceptance in the first beginning. “Ar-Rahiim” was what was abundant for the meaningful completeness that was determined for humankind if being seen from the aspect of the starting point finally. Because of that often. Named, “Wahai Yang Maha Rahman for the World and the hereafter, and Maha Rahim for akhirat”.
Meaning that, was the projection of humanity that , and the blessing spread everywhere, both generally and specially, that was the manifestation of Dzat Ilahi. In the context, this the Prophet Muhammad saw. Spoke, “A I was given the gift globalitas Kalam, and I was delegated to complete the moral (headed) complete ”.
Meaning that, was the projection of humanity that , and the blessing spread everywhere, both generally and specially, that was the manifestation of Dzat Ilahi. In the context, this the Prophet Muhammad saw. Spoke, “A I was given the gift globalitas Kalam, and I was delegated to complete the moral (headed) complete ”.
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